The following instruments have been delevoped by the FePsy-Project:
Risk Checklist for doctors, psychologists, a.o. → download
The Risk Checklist can be used as guidance for professionals to decide – for example in the family practice – if referral to specialized clinical services is indicated.
Selfscreen Prodrome → download
This instrument for self-assessment is filled in by potential patients and briefly evaluated (in 1 min) by professionals. It can roughly identify individuals who have a risk of developing psychosis.
The Selfscreen Prodrome and the Risk Checklist can complement one another, but can also be used sequentially.
Basel Screening Instrument for Psychoses (BSIP) → download
The BSIP is a short instrument for the early detection of beginning psychoses respectively a state of risk, which is applicable in the clinical practice and can be conducted in a timely manner. It can help to decide if a patient
a) has no risk for psychosis
b) is at risk for psychosis
c) already suffers from frank psychosis.
It was created to identify individuals which should be thoroughly assessed in a next step. The BSIP is a check list with instructions for a half-structured clinical interview by a psychiatrist. The interview approximately takes 45 to 60 minutes. Training is recommended.